Невероятно короткий путь к основным разделам сайта. Так называемая «червоточина» (wormhole)

Since its establishment in 2013, the National Veterinary Conference has become the biggest veterinary medicine event in Russia. Every year it brings together veterinary doctors, managers of veterinary clinics, and leading international and domestic companies operating in the area of veterinary medicine.

In 2019, we had 28 streams, 500 speeches, 260 speakers, 28 English-speaking speakers, with all speeches interpreted into Russian, 16 streams with simultaneous interpretation, 43 foreign speakers, 129 exhibitors, 220 people involved in NVC 2019 organization and servicing, 6,000 attendees in 3 days. For the first time, we broadcasted lectures from 2 rooms - lectures on rabies by Gowri Yale from India in the Infectious Diseases stream and the Pain Symposium – it was also conducted for the first time as such. We registered more than 400 connections during the broadcast.